Monday, November 9, 2015

Seed Obsession

32,467……Small confession here.  I have a slight obsession with seeds. That number happens to be approximate number of seeds in my possession.  One of the things with this homesteading thing I HAVE gotten the hang of to the point of a slight obsession almost.  I used to keep the inventory in a notebook. But a good ol’ piece of paper just wasn’t cutting it anymore.  So in my copious spare time (NOT! LOL), I have been working on creating a spreadsheet inventory of the seeds we have. The totals are in……….Let’s just say that if we had a disaster tomorrow and we had to bug out we would have enough veggie seeds to last 2-3 years, enough herb seeds to sustain us in cooking and medicine for a long time and we would have a very pretty yard in the process!   We have:
·         47 different types of veggies totaling 9,997 seeds
·         26 different kinds of herbs (both for cooking and to use for teas and salves and such) totaling 5920 seeds
·         30 different kinds of flowers, both perennial and annual for a total of 16,550 seeds
Yep, a slight obsession.  In the 3 years I have been buying seed, I have learned what suppliers I like and the best way to order the seed.  In creating the spread sheet I realized when I first started buying seed, I was just excited to buy the seed and get started.  I didn’t care who the supplier was as long as they had the seed I was interested in for a decent price and they were GMO free.  Well, I learned the hard way that the best way to ensure good seeds is to buy from a reputable distributer.  I got some seeds from Amazon that turned out to be duds, not at all what we bought, and some just didn’t grow.  So through trial and error and lots of patience I have found two places that I regularly get seeds from.  They are both non-GMO and one also sells strictly heirloom seeds.  I have learned to shop their sales so I have been getting the seeds ton cheaper.  Most everything we grow with all supplies factored in will be less than .25 cents to .50 cents a plant.  Well worth it in my opinion.  You can find the two sites I mainly use below.

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